Toxicity study provides a foundation to assess the potential health hazards posed by industrial chemicals including pharmaceutical, agrochemical and other chemicals on human health and safety.
Our laboratory provides integrated services, delivering high quality reliable data to meet the regulatory requirements.
Acute Toxicity Studies
Acute toxicity studies provide information on the potential for health hazards that may arise on result of short term exposure i.e. Single dose on day one and observation upto 14 days.
Determination of acute oral, dermal and inhalation toxicity is the first line of defence to evaluate the toxicity the test item.
Conclusion : LD 50 or LC 50 of the test item.
- Acute Oral Toxicity (OECD 423 / OPPTS 870.1100)
- Acute Dermal Toxicity (OECD 402 / OPPTS 870.1200)
- Acute Inhaltion Toxicity (OECD 403 / OPPTS 870.1300)
- Primary Eye Irritation / Corrosion Toxicity (OECD 405 / OPPTS 870.2400)
- Primary Dermal Irritation Toxicity (OECD 404 / OPPTS 870.2500)
- Dermal Sensitization Toxicity (Maximization and Buehler Test) (OECD 406 / OPPTS 870.2600)
Sub-Acute Toxicity Study
Sub-Acute exposure (14 / 21 / 28 days of exposure)
Sub-Acute studies provide
- Sub-Acute 14 days oral / ip / iv toxicity study (Route of Administration-Oral (OECD 407/408 and OPPTS 870.3050 / 870.3100)
- Sub-Acute 28 days oral / ip / iv toxicity study (Route of Administration-Oral (OECD 407/408 and OPPTS 870.3050 / 870.3100).
- Sub-Acute 21 days dermal toxicity study (OECD 410 /411 and 870.3200 / 870.3250)
- Sub-Acute 28 days inhalation toxicity study
Sub-Chronic Toxicity Study
Sub-Chronic Toxicity Study (90 days / 180 days exposure)
Sub-Chronic studies provide info on health hazard that may result from repeated exposure to test item over a period up to approximately 30% of the life time of a rodent. It also provide information necessary to select proper doses for chronic studies.
Conclusion : NOEL, LOEL, NOAEL and dose range for chronic studies.
- Sub-Chronic 90 days toxicity study
- Sub-Chronic 120 days toxicity study
Chronic Toxicity Study
Information obtained from chronic studies is used to access potential hazard resulting from repeated exposure of test item. Purpose of these studies to observe the test system for the development of neoplastic lesions during life time exposure.
Conclusion : NOEL, LOEL
- Chronic 1 year toxicity study
- Chronic combined 2 year toxicity study
Reproductive Study (Post Natal Toxicity Study)
Multigeneration reproduction studies provide information concerning the effect of test item on overall reproductive capability.
Conclusion : Potential hazards from Parents to next generation and their effects in following generations.
- I / II / III Generation study
Developmental Toxicity Study (Prenatal Toxicity Study)
Development toxicity studies are designed to access the potential of development effects in neonates resulting from exposure of mother to test item during pregnancy.
Conclusion : Potential hazards on the offsprings which are due to exposure to the mother. Basic for post natal study.
- Toxicity study on prenatal development of offsprings (OECD 414 and OPTTS 870.3650)
- Reproduction / Developmental Toxicity Study (OECD 421 and OPTTS 870.3550).
- Combined Repeated Dose Toxicity Study With the Reproduction / Developmental Toxicity Screening Test (OECD 422 and OPTTS 870.3650).
- Reproduction and Fertility Effects (One Generation: OECD 415 and Two Generation 416 / OPTTS 870.3800).